Many people wonder what to expect during their teeth cleaning appointment with the dental hygienist.
- prepare for your appointment to ensure your safety
- review your chart and medical history
- review your current medical status with you – there are many medical conditions and medications that may influence dental hygiene treatment
- polish your teeth, if needed, to remove stains
- discuss client goals
- Implementation of soft tissue management (therapeutic procedures, teeth cleaning) which consists primarily of scaling, root planning and deplaquing, removing hard and soft deposits (plaque and tarter), of your teeth using hand or mechanical (ultrasonic) instruments
- risk factors assessment
- assess home care practices (OHI)
- examine your head and neck for abnormalities
- examine your tongue, gums, teeth and all other areas of your mouth
- measure the attachment of the gums to your teeth (probing).
- record all findings on your chart
- if needed:
- apply fluoride to strengthen teeth
- apply agents to desensitize teeth
- apply pit and fissure sealants to seal grooves for decay prevention
Visiting your dental hygienist on a regular basis to get your teeth cleaned, is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain or improve your oral health. The combination of regular professional visits and good homecare means long-term success. Maintenance is every bit as critical as therapeutic procedures (scaling) and home care.
It is important to make your personal oral hygiene program – developed by you and your dental hygienist together – a daily habit between office visits to control, stop or reverse gum disease. Less than five minutes, twice a day, is all it takes to maintain or improve oral hygiene. It’s never too late – or too early – to develop good habits.
Although your specific oral care program will vary according to a number of factors, here are some general guidelines for maintaining good oral health at any age:

- Give infants plain water instead of milk or sweet juices at naptime and bedtime (especially bedtime!)
- Gently clean newly erupted teeth, gums and tongue with a gauze or clean washcloth

- Familiarize children with oral cleaning habits
- A small pea-sized amount of toothpaste is more than adequate (or no toothpaste at all) for a child
- Allow your child to try brushing his or her own teeth but have an adult take a turn afterwards
- The most effective position for a caregiver to brush a child’s teeth is to have the caregiver sit on a couch with the child’s head on their lap to allow stability and access

- A thorough cleaning twice a day is sufficient with rinsing with water throughout the day
- Consult with your dental hygienist to obtain a personalized oral care program

- Seniors can still get cavities, especially around the roots of the teeth
- Seniors can continue to have problems related to gum disease
- Oral diseases may be complicated by various medical conditions and medications
- Seniors should continue to brush and floss regularly
- Seniors with cognitive or severe physical disabilities may require help from a caregiver – ask for advice from your dental hygienist if this becomes a concern
- Even if you wear dentures, it is still important to clean your mouth and get regular checkups to prevent and detect oral health problems
Give us a call at 289.768.5443 to book your appointment!
If you have any questions about your initial appointment,
call us and we’ll be sure to help you as soon as possible.
We are always happy to answer your questions.
Passion Dental Hygiene
556 Upper Wentworth St,
Hamilton, ON L9A 4V2
TUE: 9 AM – 5:30 PM
WED: 9 AM – 5:30 PM
THU: 9 AM – 7 PM
- 289.768.5443
- info@passiondentalhygiene.com
Copyright 2020 – Passion Dental Hygiene